What’s in Your Business Junk Drawer?
Every business owner has a ‘Business Junk Drawer’. There is no use denying it! It’s full of all that stuff that you'll, “get to tomorrow”. All that stuff that you are secretly hoping will magically fix itself!
The most common ‘item’ that is found in a ‘Business Junk Drawer” is the task of updating a process. A ‘Business Junk Drawer’ is full of processes that supported your company early on in the company life cycle; however, can no longer support your current business. Your employees DREAD working on them, and no matter how many times these processes are put back in your “business junk drawer” they will not fix themselves.
When a process gets put into that “business junk drawer” for too long, that's when problems can start to develop and snowball. That is when things start to get out of control.
Not a pretty picture, is it? Have you reached the ‘out of control’ point or are you quickly approaching it?
What if things could be different? What if I told you that there is a wealth of opportunity in that ‘Business Junk Drawer’? Because they do! Those overrun, overloaded, painful processes have the potential to generate additional revenue and huge cost savings.
Take for example, one simple 30 minute per week task. Working with a client we reduced a 30 minute per week task down to 10 minutes. Doesn’t sound like much on the surface, but this task was being completed weekly by 8 PMs.
With this task, the annual numbers look like this:
8 PMs * 30 minutes * 52 weeks = 208 hours, which is 5.2 weeks per year.
Reducing the task to 10 minutes a week, lowers the monthly time to 1.7 weeks per year.
That is a savings of 3.5 weeks in one year!
Not only does this save this company almost 30k in payroll dollars, but they can now take that time to bid more projects resulting in potentially acquiring one more client in 2017. One additional client for them is an additional $175-200k in revenue.
Want your 3.5 weeks (or more) back?
Take a closer look at your ‘Business Junk Drawer’ and see the potential!
Even if you only find 1 small task, updating and automating that task could potentially equal an extra month back next year.
What if you found 10? That’s almost 9 months? 20? You’re looking at almost a year and a half? That’s amazing!!!! Think of what your business could do with an extra 9-18 months…
Are you ready to tackle your ‘Business Junk Drawer’?
Need help? Tackling ‘Business Junk Drawers’ is my specialty!
Where others see a working process, Sarah Becker, Founder and CEO of Clear Simple Business, sees opportunities to improve and streamline systems. Her strategies result in huge efficiency gains, reduced errors and happier, more productive employees.
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