An Overachiever’s Guide – Rediscovering Your Creativity
Am I creative? No, I’m not creative. I’m not artsy so therefore I can’t be creative... Like Heather ( An Overachiever's Guide To Breaking The Rules: How To Let Go Of Perfect and Live Your Truth ), because I'm not artsy, I believed that I did not have a creative bone in my body. But also, like Heather, I have somewhat recently discovered that I am in fact creative. I’ve learned and acknowledged that being artsy isn’t the only path to creativity. I’m not really sure why we were both conditioned to think that creativity can only be found in the arts. Guess it’s another one of those subtle societal conditioning things. Oh the joys of societal conditioning! No matter where it came from, it’s time for it to die. Because everyone is creative. With Heather’s help I rediscovered (and accepted) my creative side. I looked for the evidence that points away from creativity and points towards creativity. And as you will see below, my list is quite lopsided! Not creative -...